Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity
How can you lose weight, shed excess of fat and flab from your body using our holistic and natural Ayurvedic Treatment?
Most of my clients and audience want to ask this question…
Is Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity and Natural Weight Management a Possibility?
I want to delve deeper into this question.
The Condition is Worse than You Might Think:
Being obese has become a pandemic of modern time. More people are suffering from this than any other disorder. Journal of American Medical Association published that more than 1/3rd of USA’s adults are obese. Yes, the actual figure is 34.9%. And this percentage comes down to 17% for youths. (JAMA.2014;311(8):806-814. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.732.) The condition is equally worse in other developed countries. And developing countries like India is also marching forward in this race of putting on fat, flab and undesirable fat.
Why is it an IMMEDIATE NECESSITY for you to Manage Weight Effectively?
If your weight with all its flab and pouches and folds and fading curves could have remained an issue with only looks, I would have been the first person to ask you to accept this. Truly, obese people are not that much bad looking. It is our media-and-model hyped world that has made looks so significant. However, the real facts behind obesity are sufficient and mounting day by day to…
- Horrify you
- Inspire and Motivate to Take Immediate Action
- Cost you health and wealth and precious experience of living a wonderful life
And that is why I would consider a special duty to insist upon you to get started with Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity, with urgency right now!
Obesity is not limited to Itself….It Affects Adversely on All Fronts and Squares:
Obesity has great friends among serious disorders. Some of the friends are Heart Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes and some types of Cancers. And you should know that all of them are preventable. Previously, it was an acceptable thought that Type 2 Diabetes affects only adults. Not true anymore. Many young people are diagnosed with it. It appears that the threshold or average age of diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes is going down. The sooner you are under the grip of obesity, the more health risk you carry with you. Researchers found that 61% of overweight kids (between 5 to 10 years) already have 1 risk factor for Heart Disease. 26% of them have two or more risk factors. Dealing with and managing obesity is one of the most Extravaganzas that you can consider. Direct health costs attributable to obesity have been estimated at $52 billion in 1995 and $75 billion in 2003 in USA alone. The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion USD in 2008. The medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
Ayurveda’s Ancient Consideration About Obese Persons:
Ayurvedic treatment of Obesity can be traced back to Charaka Samhita, one of the authoritative and most ancient books of Ayurveda. Charaka Samhita has one full chapter dedicated to Obesity and considers it worse than emaciation (malnourished or skinny persons).
Pillars of Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity and Weight Loss:
We adopt a holistic and natural methodology for dealing with this modern epidemic.
- Food and Nutrition
- Digestion
- Detoxification and Elimination
- Metabolism
- Herbs and Herbal Supplements
- Relaxation
- Release of Harmful and Negative Emotions and Energy
- Reinforcement of Healthy Patterns in Body and Mind
- Lifestyle and Exercise
So, you can see that this is one of the most comprehensive approach based upon Ayurveda, Yoga, Holistic and Natural Wellbeing. You can not hold accountable only one thing for being overweight – genetics, food, exercise, stress, hormonal imbalance and lifestyle. All the factors contribute towards obesity. The influence of any one of them can be more or less in any given person. By working upon these factors, you can shed extra pounds of fat easily, maintain your weight in desired range, have a great health.
All these factors are also an answer to the question of “Why do we gain Weight or become Obese?”. And this is truly the reason that you should listen to our holistic solution in the form of Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity and Weight Management, this approach is fundamentally solid and takes best care of you in the most holistic sense.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity and Weight Management:
Our Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity and weight management – “Desired Weight, Admired Shape” comprise of these pillars… Ayurvedic Herbal Products for Weight Loss: First natural product, Ayurvedic Weight Loss Herbal Tablet – is a multiherbal formulation that provides you a wide range of Ayurveda herbs – Guggul, Garcinia, Phyllanthus, Gymnema, Bitter Melon, Ceylon Leadwort, Cinnamon, Chebulic Myrobalan and Greater Cardamom – to take care of fat and sugar metabolism, to burn additional and undesired fat in a gradual and natural manner.
You will usually consume 4 tablets in a day. Amrit Sandhya: This is a herbal powder for whole body detox and colon cleansing. Ayurvedic Wellness Program for Obesity and Weight Management: You will be able to find all the health coaching and mentoring for weight management, burning fat and weight loss into this online wellness program. It guides you to…
- Understand the concepts of holistic and natural weight management
- Adopt a personalized strategy that will work for you, now and in future
- Find all the cutting edge dietary, exercise, yoga and meditation related exercises
- Being a Part of community who share the same health objective
- Free to ask about anything and everything related with health and weight
Why should you consider Our Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program? Find more about 9 Pillars for losing extra fat and flab, while staying fit and healthy.
Obesity / Natural Weight Loss / Hypothyroidism Resources
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