Inviting Ayurveda Doctors & Practitioners Interested to Adopt Ayurveda / Natural Herbal Products in Their Practice

Ayurvedic Herbalist Welcomes and Invites Ayurveda Doctors and Other Practitioners of Who Adopts or likes to adopt Quality Ayurveda / Natural Herbal Products in Their Practice as Associates



[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Ayurveda doctors are the professionals that are registered and licensed practitioners of Ayurvedic and Herbal medicine in India. All types of physicians – medical doctors, homeopathic physician, Unani physicians, Naturopathy, Yoga and Massage therapists can use herbs and herbal supplements freely.

After all, most practitioners use herbs and herbal supplements as natural adjunct to their practice. It is Ayurveda doctors who carry the emblem of dedicated therapeutic use of herbal products in India.

Ayurveda medicine takes the concept of herbal medicine to an advanced level and when you combine concepts of Ayurveda as it is applied to herbs and modern advancements in herbal medicine, you simply get the best of both worlds.[/text_block]


For Ayurveda, Herbal & Natural Practitioners Living Outside of India

Dear Friends,

This page invites and contains information for Ayurveda doctors and practitioners having practice in India because Ayurveda and Herbs can be used in India as herbal medicine, as a Government recognized and approved healthcare.

If you are from outside of India, we suggest you to visit our International website, where we do have similar offering for practitioners of herbal and natural healthcare.

However, you are most welcome to go through this page and view this video as, we believe, this information can be vital for you now and in coming years.

Best Regards,
Dr. Vikrama Aditya Tomar



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Ayurvedic Herbalist for Ayurveda Doctors and Other Practitioners Adopting Natural Ayurvedic Healthcare:

We at Ayurvedic Herbalist, do represent that modern and global face of Ayurveda we maintain excellence on all of these fronts…

  1. Maintaining Integrity and Practically applying Ayurvedic wisdom to herbs
  2. Regulating the stream of development, advancement and researches of herbal medicine with basic concepts and principles of Ayurveda
  3. Focusing on natural, safe and effective Ayurveda based herbal supplements
  4. Using state of the art manufacturing facility for consistency in quality
  5. Taking care of patients and presenting herbs in way that is effective, safe and easy to use so that people from all streams of life can easily adopt natural Ayurvedic healthcare

You could see that Ayurvedic Herbalist is different and front runner in many of its approaches. We want to adopt same innovative and personal approach with our buddies, Ayurveda doctors and other Practitioners of natural health, when we want to communicate for business association.

We understand that you will appreciate this communication as a personal communication. You won’t find a speck of marketing message on this page. To the present day, you won’t find any other company communicating with you like this.

Here at Ayurvedic Herbalist, you won’t find someone who wants to sell you its products.

We understand your world as a practitioner, we understand your challenges and present situations. We are actually in same shoes.

Together, we, you and we, could create a synergy and ignite the change and gradually transform the whole scenario.[/text_block]


Dr. Vikrama Aditya Tomar’s wants to communicate with You on Personal Grounds

Friends, I, Dr. Vikrama Aditya Tomar, an Ayurveda doctor, is your fellow practitioner. I am a graduate of Rishikul State Ayurvedic College, Haridwar and belonged to CPMT 1993 batch.

In 2001, I started Ayurveda and Panchakarma Center. Since 2004, I am in constant touch with development of Ayurveda in USA and Europe. My work involves direct visits to these countries and regular weekly training programs through Internet.

I want to communicate with you as an Ayurveda doctor, not as a company. You can always relate with me as your junior, batchmate and senior, as your friend and colleague and family member.

Gradually, I came across several troubles and obstructions in my clinical practice and found many things that hinder the growth of Ayurveda in India and abroad.

I don’t know of any Ayurvedic physician or any other Practitioner of Natural Health who won’t have encountered these challenges. These are widely present. The fact is that, some practitioners are affected less and some more.

I grouped these obstacles into six categories. They literally rob most of what you can call a fulfilling and great life. They can affect confidence level, faith, energy, success in Ayurvedic treatment, repeat patients, earning and overall lifestyle.

I want you to see these challenges through my glasses and they will become more clear.

I am sorry that our first introduction and communication is starting with negatives. But, friends, these are true challenges. And they need to be answered to let Ayurveda reach its true place.

It is the time when we need to refine our practices, not as a viewer but as a change agent.

I took a leap ahead in this direction and surely needs your goodwill and support and believe that it will be given to me and to Ayurvedic Herbalist.

I invite you, Ayurveda doctors and all other practitioners who want to use natural healthcare and quality herbal products to associate with Ayurvedic Herbalist.

I suggest you to watch this video below (15+ minutes) and fill this form so that I could have your contact information.

I will soon be in touch with you. I want to keep rest of our communication between  you and me. It will be inside a community where you will get username and password after filling the form below.

Not everything is good in public places, such as open pages of this website!

Remember, TOGETHER, we can truly do a lot.

Watch the small video, fill your details and let us stay tuned!

Kindest Regards,
Dr. Vikrama Aditya Tomar[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]



Watch this Video where I communicate with you about
challenges Ayurveda doctors and Other Herbal Healthcare practitioners are Facing
and How we could overcome them and emerge out as winners
Click on the Center to View…


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Fill this form – Introduction Form for Ayurveda Doctors and Herbal Healthcare Practitioners:

When you fill up this form, I will send you a username and password of a community, we we can share our concerns with each other, where we can communicate and empower ourselves and Ayurveda as a whole. All fields are mandatory to fill on this form.[/text_block]

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