All About Ayurvedic Treatment

Join Free Email Training & Clear Your Doubts about Safety, Efficacy, Use Case Scenario of Ayurvedic Treatment & Holistic Management of Chronic Disorders / Autoimmune Disorders!

If you reply YES to any of the line, this would be one of the best resources for you...

  • I do have some chronic disorder / autoimmune disorder!
  • I DESIRE to overcome this health issue using natural herbs of Ayurveda
  • I DESIRE to IMPLEMENT practical wisdom of Ayurveda & Yoga in Daily Life as it relates with Diet & Lifestyle to speed up the healing and recovery.
  • I know little bit about Ayurveda / Ayurvedic herbs, I have doubts whether it is safe, whether it will be effective for treatment of chronic disorders / autoimmune disorders.
  • I heard that some of Ayurveda products are adulterated with Steroids or have heavy metals as ingredient. I desire to clear this doubt and need more clarity and confidence about Ayurvedic treatment.
  • I am already on medical drugs under supervision of medical doctor. Will it be a good idea to start Ayurvedic treatment as a co-therapy.
  • If I desire to opt for Ayurvedic treatment, will it be provided after thorough Consultation. I need assurance that it will be provided under qualified / board certified Ayurvedic doctor.
  • When I start Ayurvedic treatment as co-therapy or alternative treatment, what can I expect out of treatment and what would be my path of recovery, healing and cure?
  • Ayurveda is known for its dietary & lifestyle education, home remedies. How will I get specific advice for my own condition.
  • Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation, Destressing and other Mind Body Modalities are well studied as lifestyle tools in speeding up recovery. How can I learn your FLAGSHIP TRAINING "Embrace Ayurveda & Yoga in Daily Life" to acclerate recovery, healing and cure.
  • What type of personal support will I get when I start with Ayurvedic treatment & holistic management of chronic disorders, on a month to basis.
  • How cost effective will be Ayurvedic treatment & holistic management under supervision of Dr. Vikram Aditya Tomar?
  • What kind of Ayurvedic products will I get? Will they be manufactured in GMP facility? What are the herbs present in each product?

If you require a friendly, thorough, insightful, straightforward and well informed reply about any of the above mentioned points, then you should JOIN & ENGAGE with this FREE EMAIL TRAINING about Ayurvedic treatment & Holistic Management of Chronic Disorders / Autoimmune Disorders.

After JOINING & ENGAGING with this FREE EMAIL TRAINING, you will simply find yourself to have clarity & confidence, to be free of doubts, to be assured about possible line / approach of Ayurvedic treatment, Ayurvedic herbs / products and support that you will get at Ayurvedic Herbalist, under supervision of Dr. Vikram Aditya Tomar.

During this training or In the will have choice of

Joining Specific FREE Training

about your particular health issue /autoimmune disorder.

Schedule Ayurvedic Consultation

30 Minutes + Online Consult with Dr. Vikram Aditya Tomar.

Receive Ayurvedic Herbs / Products

at your doorsteps in India & several other countries via Speed Post / courier.

Option to Join Wellness Training

Ayurveda & Yoga based 12 months long dedicated & supervised program.

Pick  the Best Explanation, Insights, Tips for Ayurvedic, Natural and Holistic Management of Chronic Disorders / Autoimmune Disorders -   by Dr. Vikram Aditya Tomar, Ayurveda Expert having over 2 Decades of Experience.
